Webflow vs. React (2024 Comparison): Which One is Better For Website?
February 28, 2024
5 mins read
webflow vs react comparison

Webflow vs React: Step-by-Step Detailed Comparison

webflow vs react website
Webflow website vs React website

If we talk about Website design & Website development, we come to Webflow that is a specific web design platform for ecommerce stores & other businesses in the market. And if we talk about React, It's a library of programs that is used for creating interfaces in Apps.

Webflow gives boosting visuals to create websites without difficult coding language. Making user-friendly UI with multiple design tools is only possible with this design tools which gives better user experience. You can create web projects, online stores, &  Web pages for entrepreneurs, web designers, & ecommerce business owner who are not aware with technical skills.

React is by Facebook & is an open library JavaScript library that is for making scalable, high-quality interface for web applications. It requires a strong grasp of programming & React also provides various set of capabilities that is best for web applications.

It depends on you who you create visually interactive websites, then Webflow can save you time. And if you’re an experienced coder who wants to make a data-driven application for higher performance.

Webflow vs React: Which Provides Quality?


webflow homepage
Webflow homepage

Webflow is a business maker to those who want appealing website designs with reactive UI/UX interface without code execution. You can use templates, web design tools, instructions, ecommerce website building tools, & features to create your next website. 

Features to Consider : Responsive designs, Templates, drag & drop, Pre-built CMS, Localization, ecommerce, tools for designers, & other learning resources to launch your website.

You can create fully customized website fast with Webflow as it has a lot to offer to beginners who want to launch their business. If you’re a developer/programmer who wants to launch their app by managing codes in a right way.


React is an open source library of java made by Facebook for creating UI & It's for website applications that require advanced coding skills. You need to be good at creating codes if you’re launching your app.

Features to Consider: Component based design, complex UIs, use of standard web API, Flexibility, integrations with other libraries, virtual DOM for better performance and user experience.

Learning curve is medium to hard, no templates, & can only be used by experienced programmers.

Try to consider for decision before heading towards launching the web application with help of tools.

Core Difference: React vs Webflow

Goal & Target Market

Webflow is a life changing tool for Ecommerce business owners, content marketing experts, marketers, & Entrepreneurs who wants to create appealing websites with designs for managing content. If you’re not able to learn to code or don't want to hire a coder, then Webflow can make your task successful.

React is focusing on coders who are good at their job & wants to make high-quality applications for SaaS. You can launch high performing & strong application with this amazing tool with JavaScript.

Developing or Making it Beautiful

Webflow is for designers who are focusing on layouts, customization options, variety of templates, & other attractive options. It's more into designing part.

React focuses on development part, making coders to make powerful application, & web apps with great features with logic to scale growth. Mainly for developers & programmers.

Options of Integration

Webflow integrates with third-part tools & provides to extra functions like ecommerce, analytics, & processing.

React gives manual integration of third-party libraries, which is time taking for development. Steeper & complex to use. React will demand time to learn JavaScript, complex codes, & other development part.

Advantages of React For Websites

Benefits of react
Benefits of react

React is the perfect front-end framework to speed up website creation work, as it's a powerful option for developers who know coding & need to create high-performing web applications

Fast development of Apps:

Main goal of working on React is to develop component based app that gives easy production of codes. This deletes hassle while writing codes for web development & gives efficient development process.

Easy to learn if you’re a coder:

React provides smooth learning of website development process with its perfect syntax & with learning with pace, you can provide necessary skills.

Higher returns:

With the help of Virtual Document Object model, this tool can help you optimize applications UI & it provides higher-level of performance by eliminating old DOM. Developers gets the best results are working on it.

Strong framework:

React used many back-end applications & it supports best way of integration with current stack. If you pair React with Router & Redux, then, you can create data driven applications for higher profits.

So, when deciding Webflow or React, it's much important to consider your project requirement, needed skill set to run the software, & reading our long-term goals regarding the business.

Benefits of Using Webflow Over React:

benefits of webflow over react‍
Benefits of webflow over react

Speedy and Appealing Designs

You can create websites with beautiful visuals, by using pre-built templates, & by quickly wrapping up the ecommerce store necessary functions to make it ready for launch.

High-Quality Design with SEO Support

Webflow provides embracing & eye-catching templates for all devices. Search engine optimisation has become a necessity to improve website traffic. As it also gives CMS features to update content structures to evolve business with SEO for your webflow websites.

Easy Online Store Management with Inventory, Payment, & Taxes handling to make your Business Successful

Webflow uses third-party hosting providers that enable online presence. You must know your requirements, budget, coding expertise, & what you want for that website product.

React vs Webflow: Experience Comparison

  • React is a strong JavaScript that is for experienced developers who want to launch the high-quality website, but not as comfortable for beginner entrepreneurs & marketers.

  • For react, you need a strong understanding of JS, HTML, & CSS for better application development. As it delivers high performance, large development, highly flexible, & professional.

  • React has less pre-built features than Webflow. Webflow is easy to navigate without much coding knowledge. React is not an easy task to manage as a starter.

  • In Webflow, you have access to CSS grid system & responsive design for better output as everyone cant waste their time on coding and there are no complex user interfaces.

  •  You can try Webflow with less budget to launch marketing stuff, Ecommerce store, & other business idea. React is better for your business when you have technical expertise by your side to expand your business to experience development thought advanced and complex user interfaces.

Webflow vs React: Pricing

When we decide the tool for website design, then we’ll first talk about the pricing structure. If it fits your budget or not.

Webflow provides its plan to businesses, large enterprises, freelancers, & other business makers. Check our Webflow Pricing Guide for complete details

Site Plan

  • Basic: $15 per month ( Annually Charges )or $20 per month ( Billed Monthly )
  • CMS: $20 per month ( Annually ) or $28 per month ( monthly)
  • Business: $45 per month or $53 per month.

Account Plans

  • Free.
  • Lite: $16 / Month or $25 / month.
  • Pro: $35 / Month or $45 / month.

Analysing pricing of both
pricing comparison on webflow and react

‍Webflow has plans serving to business requirements. React for website developers involving designing tools, web development, & UI/UX interface with visuals. On Webflow, You only need to use your fingers to get the output as a digital business owner. It saves time, money, & effort.

Community Cost

Get started with reactive UI library, industry standard level, & MIT certified - $0.

Pro Plan Cost: $15 / Month ( Billed annually $180 /Dev): Best for data centric applications & for professional developers.

Premium Cost

$37 / Month ( Billed Annually at $444 / development, ): Highest priority for support & advanced feature for data-enabled application.

Few more Advantages of React JS

1. Performance: React codes is to provide reactive web interface by improving loading time. There are various complex user interfaces to get the output. React components resolves website application process, enhances coding maintenance, & improves website application interface. With Webflow customization on the other hand have templates that can make user-focused design with ease.

2. Reusability : React JS resulted in better development process. Developers can make it easier to enhance the web application process. Applying this strategy improves coding maintenance, scalability of app based businesses, & best for big applications into technology industry.

3. Less control on Design: React JS provides better interface for functional support, but it's not designed based. Uplifts the overall visual appearance & innovation over thinking. You only can enhance your app functioning and can’t focus on design much.

Webflow vs React: What To Choose?

1. Technical Support: Webflow provides user-friendly outlook & don’t have any code necessity. You can take support of Webflow development agency & have limited access to coding. Webflow is very easy to navigate, the JavaScript associated technology.

2. Website : Analyze web projects. Webflow is great for launching website fast & React JS is well suited for website app & high-quality outlook.

3. Webflow runs on subscription, while React JS is open source & have minimal features. Because react JS is used for making web application that is smooth with dynamic interface.

4. React is free of charge with fewer features. As it provides high-quality website creation features that only developers can break. 

5. We can make our choices by deciding website development goals, technical competencies, & financial resources to keep in mind while deciding the software. So, we support Webflow because it serves more options than React.

You can make website design with high-quality visuals, interactive designs, UI/UX interface, & assistance of ecommerce store building features. User-friendly website helps in converting traffic, enhancing website, increasing performing, & attractive leads to earn profit. React Web can be converted into Webflow, which offers integrity, smoothness, & with support you can make it possible for higher interaction on the business. You’ll get layout design, visual aesthetic, & pre-made website designs for small businesses, enterprises, & freelancers.

If your project demand high growth, scalability, fast result, dynamic results, & unique application. Then you can start with React otherwise for corporate websites, Small business owners, portfolios, & other marketing websites. 

For heavy & big tech projects, you need React for making it come true.

Webflow vs React: Why We Moved Towards Webflow?

Webflow has built-in tools to help websites with search engine optimisation, have custom plugins to create a full-fledged website. 

The development can take a lot of time, efforts, & designing skills to get the right product finally. If you’re searching for a platform that can listen to your business needs, budget, product to sell need, & more to get the best results.

To achieve the ROI and results on web, you can create production-ready React components visually in Webflow project. You can Devlink to create Webflow product with no-code & website development.

You can expand your services with Webflow sites & Design with UI components in Webflow. Visual development in Webflow can make it connect to DevLink.

Interactions, integrations, & complex animations to use the power of CSS and JavaScript without even learning code. You can scale your business online with strong CMS, high-quality traffic management, CDN service for seamless hosting, & localization around the world.

React is a tool for coders who want to develop mobile application with React Native. Components are the blocks of any application, and a single app consists of many components.

built-in react DOM hooks
Built-in react DOM hooks

Webflow vs React

You can create high-quality visuals & websites to use the organic marketing for more ROI. Ecommerce store will flourish if you make visuals that give extra traffic, ecommerce store management feature, & other related stuff.

Combine Webflow + React to get more benefits out of web designing & app development process as it will give 10x faster results.

Attractive UI/UX design will make you achieve results as flawless web design attracts customer base easily. 


At The Alien Design, We focus on creating customized websites, UX design apps, Design brands, mobile apps, traffic generating websites for startups and enterprises.

After Web Design, We focus on Product Design to enhance the existing product with help of prototypes, user research, & knowing product on feedback. We have in-depth expertise in brand generation, marketing, UX/UI responsive design capabilities, & more for better brand image. You can get traffic of high number, leads, & other necessary details that you want.

Webflow is our choice as it provides pre-designed templates, hosting facilities, SEO tools, user-friendly interface, & other important things that can make every project successful. We deliver our services to a wide range of businesses in fintech, insurtech, ecommerce, retail, SaaS, & other who wants a clear interface backed design.

Robust responsive design capabilities, SEO tools to boost visibility, quick development, & more to increase the chances of traffic. We enhance the website visibility with Image optimization, minimize custom code, content delivery network, & third-party plugins to make you launch your business with ease.

Here we’ll consider your thoughts, take everything into consideration, publish design, & make everything flourish as per your planning.

Make your Business marketing a big hit. Talk to our webflow design experts now!

Read more

Webflow v/s WordPress: Choosing the right platform for your website

Build a Website with Webflow in Less Than 3 Hours

A solution-driven person with a keen interest in solving problems in digital products through designing. I have worked with 15+ clients in successfully delivering digital products such as Saint-Gobain, HDFC, elgi Ultra, LuLu Group, IIFL, Stockal etc.. worked in 10+ digital products across domains such as Network security, Fin-tech, E-commerce, Healthcare, Recruitment, Real estate etc.. Research, Ideation, Wireframing, Designing, Prototyping, testing and delivery are my bread and butter.

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What is Webflow, and who is it suitable for?

Webflow is a web design platform that enables users to create visually appealing websites without the need for complex coding. It's suitable for entrepreneurs, web designers, and ecommerce business owners who may not have advanced technical skills but want to create professional-looking websites

What is React, and who should consider using it?

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, particularly for web applications. It's best suited for experienced developers who have a strong grasp of programming languages like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. React is ideal for creating scalable and high-performing web applications.

What are the key features of Webflow that set it apart from other platforms?

Webflow offers features such as responsive designs, drag-and-drop functionality, pre-built content management systems (CMS), ecommerce tools, localization support, and a variety of templates. These features make it easy for users to create fully customized websites quickly and without extensive coding knowledge.

What are the advantages of using React for web development?

React offers advantages such as fast development of component-based applications, a smooth learning curve for developers, higher returns on performance due to its virtual DOM feature, and strong integration capabilities with other libraries and frameworks. It's an excellent choice for building data-driven applications and scalable web interfaces.

How do the pricing structures of Webflow and React compare?

Webflow offers subscription plans tailored to different business needs, including basic, CMS, and business plans, with varying pricing tiers. React, being an open-source library, is free to use, but it requires developers to manage their own hosting and may involve additional costs for third-party integrations or premium support options.