CMS Web Development for Powerful Websites: Platforms, Features, & Types
Website Design
June 7, 2024
6 mins read
CMS for Web design and Development for Powerful Websites: Platforms, Features, & Types

CMS Website Development: The Key to a Strong Online Presence and Business Growth

cms website development

Digitisation has impacted every industry. Websites not only just help in creating a strong online presence and generate brand awareness, but they are a constant marketing campaign that runs 24*7. Data shows that 67% of the websites leverage content management systems to establish a strong online presence.

This meteoric rise clearly indicates the growing significance of the CMS platform. The rise of this user-friendly CMS era has acted as a bridge between non-coders and user-friendly interfaces. These platforms have all the necessary features and functionalities that make the task of website design and web content management easy.

Whether you are a start-up or an established enterprise, CMS can help your business carve a niche for itself. At the same time, it also helps improve the management of the content, which eventually impacts customer engagement and increases conversion rates.

Since there are a host of CMS web development platforms, finding the best option can be challenging. This blog is an attempt to discuss the key aspects related to CMS website development and some of the popular options and their features.

Understanding CMS (Content Management System)

CMS Website Development

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CMS, or content management system, is an application that facilitates managing content and editing. A robust CMS platform is integral to ensure that the website content is up-to-date and relevant as per the demand in the market.

How Does a CMS Work?

The functioning of the web content management system platform is based on what you see and what you get. This means that as you edit the website content, you will be able to see the changes simultaneously. The user simply needs to add the text and images using the drag-and-drop functionality. This intuitive approach makes the task of web developers easy.

One of the best examples of this is Webflow. This platform enables you to create aesthetically appealing websites while giving you the leverage to customize them as per your brand requirements. With its drag-and-drop feature, it becomes easy for the user to place the elements on the web pages so that they visually appeal to the end user.

Content Management System (CMS) Key Features

CMS Website Development

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CMS features simplify the task of the user by offering them functionalities to create flawless websites without any coding expertise. Here's a breakdown of some of the most crucial functionalities offered by a CMS:

Content Management

Content Creation and Editing: it is the core function of a CMS platform. The user can easily create, edit, and publish content. Moreover, the CMS platform also benefits the user by allowing them to update the content and manage it easily. Many platforms allow for content scheduling, ensuring timely updates.

Version Control and Revision History: In addition to managing the content, the CMS platform tracks the changes made on the website. This enables the user to revert to the previous options if the need arises. At the same time, it also gives a clear visibility into who made the changes.

Content Organization: Most CMS platforms have tools for organizing content into categories, including tags and taxonomies. This makes the content management easier. It also improves the user experience by enabling them to find relevant information easily.

User Management and Collaboration

User Roles and Permissions: With the help of a robust CMS platform, the user can take up different level roles and offer different levels of access. This ensures website security as the admin can control who can edit, publish, or delete the content.

Design and Customization

Themes and Templates: Customisation of content is important for every organization. The CMS platform offers a library of pre-designed themes and templates that can be easily customized as per the band's requirements. One of the best examples of this is the Webflow. It offers an array of free website templates, which makes website design easier. With the simple drag-and-drop feature, the user can easily customize the website without any coding knowledge.

Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Many CMS platforms, like Webflow, have user-friendly drag-and-drop interfaces. This makes the task of arranging and managing the content on the website easy.

Functionality and Scalability

Plugins and Extensions: Plug-ins and extensions are crucial as they add functionality to the CMS platform. The vast library allows the user to incorporate features like e-commerce functionalities, social media integration, SEO tools, and others.

Scalability: As a website grows, its needs evolve. A good CMS platform should be scalable, allowing users to leverage plugins and extensions to add new functionalities and ensure the website remains adaptable to changing requirements.

Additional Features

Security: Popular CMS platform focus on security. Many platforms also offer additional security features like two-factor authentication and automatic backups to safeguard website data.

SEO Optimization: Many CMS platforms offer built-in SEO tools or compatible plugins. These tools help users optimize their website content for search engines, leading to increased organic traffic.

Analytics and Reporting: Analyzing website data is important as it helps understand consumer preferences. This can be used to make the right decision about future marketing strategies.

The Significance of CMS: Unveiling the Benefits

The widespread adoption of CMS platforms can be attributed to the multitude of benefits they offer. Let's explore some of the most significant advantages:

Reduced Development Costs

As compared to developing a website from scratch, a CMS platform is a cost-effective solution. For example, if you decide to go ahead with Webflow, then it offers comprehensive website design solutions, from customizing the layout to managing the content and even hosting a website. This all-in-one platform offers the necessary solution for website design. The pre-built structure and readily available themes significantly reduce development time and resource allocation.

Ease of Use and Content Management

The CMS platforms are designed to provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the user. Hence, even if you are a non-coder, these platforms will make web designing tasks a breeze. This empowers individuals and organizations to manage their websites independently, fostering content updates and creation.

Scalability and Growth

Scalability is the USP of CMS platforms. As the website continues to grow and more content and information is being added, the CMS platform proves helpful. With the vast library of plug-ins and extensions, the website remains adaptable to changing requirements.

Security and Maintenance

Most reputable CMS platforms prioritize security through regular updates and patches. Additionally, some platforms offer automatic backups and disaster recovery functionalities, safeguarding website data and ensuring uptime.

SEO Optimization

Many CMS platforms offer built-in SEO tools or compatible plugins, allowing users to optimize their content for search engines, leading to increased organic website traffic.

Choosing the Right Tool for the Job: A Look at Popular CMS Platforms

The diverse landscape of CMS platforms offers a solution for virtually every website need, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce stores. Selecting the ideal platform hinges on your specific website objectives, technical expertise, and budget. Here's a closer look at some popular CMS options, including some established players and rising contenders:


This no-code platform allows users to create web applications visually without writing code. Bubble is ideal for building unique and interactive web experiences, but it requires a monthly subscription fee and may have a steeper learning curve compared to some CMS platforms.


It is one of the popular choices to build a website. Hailed for its no-coding feature, Webflow is an apt choice for start-ups and individuals who don’t want to get involved in the complexities of website design. Additionally, it also offers a content management system that manages your website with ease.

Craft CMS

It is an open source content management platform. If you are looking to create a content-rich website and find a good balance between flexibility and ease of use, draft CMS is a good choice. However, the plug-in library with Craft CMS is smaller than that of established platforms like WordPress.


It is a headless CMS that makes the task of content management easy. Since the content management aspect and front and presentation layer are separated, using content full or website creation becomes easier. It allows the user to manage the content in a central location.


Another headless CMS option, Prismic, offers a user-friendly interface and developer-friendly APIs for content management. Prismic is a good choice for building multilingual websites and delivering content to various platforms. However, similar to Contentful, setting up a CMS might require more technical expertise.

Choosing the Right CMS Platform

best content management system tool to choose

While each of the above-mentioned platforms offers an array of benefits and makes the task of website designing simpler, choosing the right platform is integral to ensuring optimal resource utilization and creating a website that resonates with the end user's demand and preferences. Consider these factors when making your choice:

Website Purpose

One of the first parameters to take into account is the objective of creating the website. What is the primary function of your website, whether you are creating a portfolio, projecting a product, or selling a service? All this will help you eventually decide which is the right platform for designing and developing it.

Technical Expertise

The expertise of the user also matters. If you are a non-porter or a starter who is not willing to invest too much initially, then platforms like Webflow are an apt choice. With more than 2003 pre-design templates available on the platform, designing the website becomes easier.

Scalability Needs

Choose a platform that addresses your scalability requirement. It should be able to adapt and expand as required.


Eventually, it all boils down to the budget that you have for designing the website. Each of the above-mentioned platforms comes with a cost. However, the pricing may vary. Hence, you must first assess your requirement, match it up with the budget, and compare it with the features offered by the CMS platforms before taking a final call.

Beyond the Platform: The Ongoing Journey of CMS Website Development

There has been a considerable change in the CMS for web development domain. Some of the new trends that are shaping the future include:

Headless CMS

This approach separates the content management system from the front and presentation layer. Thus giving more flexibility to the user and enabling content delivery across different platforms. Some of the common examples include Bubble and Contentful.

Cloud-Based Solutions

Another emerging trend is the cloud-based content management platform that offers better accessibility and scalability. Thus allowing the user to manage the website from anywhere.

Artificial Intelligence Integration

AI-powered features are being integrated into CMS platforms to assist with tasks like content optimization, personalization, and automated content creation.

Conclusion: Empowering Content Creation in a Digital Age

CMS website platforms have democratized the web, and they empower even non-coders to create an outstanding online presence. The robust features and templates available on these platforms make the user's tasks easy.

As the technology continues to evolve, CMS platforms will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of website development, fostering an ever-expanding and dynamic digital landscape

Ready to unlock the power of CMS for your business? Contact us today for a free consultation and see how our expert web design team can craft a website that drives results!

Currently documenting the journey of building a Product | Co-founder at Alien. I am passionate about the creative field, which led me to initiate my journey into business with a focus on digital products. Beyond my professional pursuits, I find solace in traveling and taking breaks from city life, often indulging in trekking adventures.

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