Ecommerce UX Design Trends: Unlocking the Potential of Personalization
UX Design
Website Design
June 5, 2023
4 mins read
Best Practices in Ecommerce UX Design Trends: Personalisation in Ecommerce

What is Personalization in Ecommerce UX Design?

5 ways to personalize ecommerce ux design infographics

Remember how Amazon's homepage gives you personalized recommendations based on your previous order? It may be a pair of jeans or a soda can, but Amazon never fails to show you similar items the next time you visit the site. Personalization helps build connections with users, makes them feel valued, and increases the chances of them revisiting the website. Users are amazed when ecommerce websites know exactly what they want. However, to achieve this in Ecommerce UX Design Trends, companies need to collect data and track user behavior. Thanks to AI and machine learning, this complex process has become much simpler.

Below are 5 ways in which you can incorporate personalization in the ecommerce UX Design process: 

1. Personalized Product Recommendations

Ecommerce websites can leverage Ecommerce UX Design Trends to offer personalized product recommendations based on purchasing and browsing history and similar items left in the cart. Companies can buy this data from third parties like Google or leverage algorithms that track the clicks and scrolls of users. This not only increases the likelihood of the user buying similar products and boosting sales but also increases user retention. More users will scroll through items that they liked in the past and visit the website again. Ensure to recommend products that match the regional or demographical specifications of your users.

Personalized product recommendations
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2. Personalized Offers and Discounts

Based on the customer's data such as location, background, and browsing behavior, Ecommerce websites, and apps can create personalized content such as marketing messages and give exclusive offers. One such popular example includes offers for first-time users and promotional messages targeted towards them. Ecommerce UX Design Trends play a crucial role in optimizing these personalized experiences. Customers who have purchased multiple times in the past also can be rewarded for their loyalty. This can be done through membership discounts or collecting points. Further, Ecommerce websites can use the data about their past purchasing history and offer personalized discounts on certain items. All this, combined with effective Ecommerce UX Design Trends, will help create a strong, loyal base of customers who keep returning to the website to purchase and avail specialized discounts, preventing them from turning to competitors.

Read More: Top UX Strategies For User Retention that Make Your Customer Stay

3. Personalized Search Results

According to the Baymard Institute, one of the key considerations in Ecommerce UX Design Trends is the search bar functionality. It has been observed that 42% of ecommerce websites encounter issues in this area, such as not supporting related words or thematic searches. For instance, if a user searches for "cellphone," the website may fail to display results if the term "mobile phone" is used instead. This problem can significantly impact user experience as customers don't want to sift through excessive information to find what they are looking for.

To overcome this challenge, personalized search results based on search and browsing history can be implemented. By incorporating this feature, users will have the ability to view their previous searches and related queries right at the top of the search results page. This enhancement simplifies the process of accessing their favorite products, minimizing user frustration and enabling them to find what they need in just a few clicks.

Personalized search results
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4. Personalized Landing Pages

Landing Pages are the most important in Ecommerce UX Design Trends because they can hook the users and encourage them to buy more products. Think of landing pages as the mannequins with the best clothes on the storefront. If the mannequin is wearing clothes of a style or a color that suits your tastes, you're more likely to enter the store and buy a product. Unlike stores, you can tailor landing pages exactly to each individual user's needs. This includes personalized product recommendations and advertisements featuring new products and discounts that target each user.

5. Personalized Viewing Experience

The Ecommerce UX design process should take into account the past viewing history of users to streamline the shopping experience and align with current Ecommerce UX Design Trends. This will allow users to resume purchasing the same product when they revisit the website. It will also serve as a reminder for users to continue shopping for the product that they left off in the cart or simply viewed. Reminder alerts in the form of pop-up notifications and emails can be sent to the user, but companies should not overdo them as too many alerts can repel potential customers.

Personalized viewing experience
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All brands are incorporating personalization in their ecommerce UX design process. Companies are now looking at newer ways to brand their startup and personalize the ecommerce experience to create user-friendly products and increase sales. Personalization is a continuous process and doesn't stop after launching a product. Not knowing how to collect data or where to personalize the experience can make the ecommerce UX design process difficult. So, personalizing your ecommerce website on your own can be quite challenging.

At Alien, you can get end-to-end assistance in your ecommerce UX design process. Our team of experts is at the top of the latest UX design trends and has worked on several websites and apps, streamlining the shopping experience for millions of users. To check our process and results, visit some of our past projects here.




Currently documenting the journey of building a Product | Co-founder at Alien. I am passionate about the creative field, which led me to initiate my journey into business with a focus on digital products. Beyond my professional pursuits, I find solace in traveling and taking breaks from city life, often indulging in trekking adventures.

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How is personalization done in e-commerce?

Personalization in e-commerce is achieved through data analysis and customer profiling to tailor product recommendations and user experiences.

What is personalization in UX?

Personalization in UX refers to tailoring the user experience to meet individual preferences and needs for a more customized interaction.

How does personalization impact conversion rates?

Personalization can significantly boost conversion rates by tailoring experiences to individual preferences, enhancing relevance, and improving customer satisfaction.

What are some current trends in ecommerce UX design?

Personalization, mobile optimization, simplified checkout processes, immersive product visuals, and seamless omnichannel experiences are current trends in ecommerce UX design.

What is ecommerce UX design?

Ecommerce UX design focuses on creating intuitive and seamless user experiences for online shopping platforms