Designing Insurance Apps: Seamless Digital Experiences for Policyholders
July 17, 2023
3 mins read
Designing Insurance Apps: Seamless Digital Experiences for Policyholders

Steps to design digital insurance apps for creating seamless digital experiences

how to design insurance app infographic
Designing insurance apps to create seamless digital experience

How to Design an Insurance App?

Designing an insurance app involves creating a user-friendly interface that simplifies the complex world of insurance. From intuitive navigation to secure data entry, the app must prioritize convenience and security.

In today's digital world, convenience reigns supreme.  This applies to insurance as well.  Imagine managing your policies, filing claims, and even getting quotes all from your phone.

An effective insurance app can revolutionize this experience for both you and your clients. But how do you design an app that cuts through the complexity and makes insurance accessible?

This guide will explore the key elements you need to consider to craft an insurance app that's both user-friendly and fosters trust with your customers.

1. Simplify the onboarding process 

The first and most crucial stage of the UX design process is to streamline the entire onboarding and registration process. Lengthy forms and complex processes can lead to higher drop-off rates with 43% of users never completing the registration process due to bad UX in onboarding. To simplify the onboarding process, minimize the steps, gather only the most important information, and follow clear and transparent data collection practices. Utilizing a progress bar, social media logins, and pre-filled fields, and guiding your customer with helpful micro copies can create an effortless onboarding process. 

2. Easy access to information 

There is no doubt that insurance apps will be cluttered with information, policies, and features. The best way to tackle this problem of managing a truckload of information is by defining it intuitively during the information architecture stage. Make sure to place the most frequently used features at the top of the app's navigation hierarchy and provide clear and concise labels along with icons for buttons and menus.

Read more: Top Technology Trends in Insurance 2024

3. Personalize the experience 

All policyholders will have unique needs and preferences that match their individual backgrounds. Insurance companies can address these needs by using AI and machine learning technology that has the capacity to analyse vast amounts of behavioural data to offer personalized policy recommendations.  Additionally, customers can be given customized interface layouts or manage notification settings on their own to increase their satisfaction and build empathetic connections. 

Insurance mobile app interfaces
Insurance app design

Image Source: Insurance mobile app design

4. File a claim 

One of the most significant aspects of insurance apps is to create a seamless experience of lodging claims to redeem the insurance. For example- in vehicle insurance, the interface should allow users to click and upload pictures of the damaged vehicle as proof to claim the insurance. Make sure to minimize the steps and conclude the process on one page itself. 

File a claim app interface with user-friendly design
Seamless experience of lodging claims in insurance apps

Image Source: Clearcover 

5. Manage policies through a panel

Another important screen is a sleek and minimalistic UI that allows users to view policy details, make changes, get policy payment reminders, file claims, and track the status of these claims. This can function as the homepage of the app where the users can manage all their policies efficiently. Insurance companies can also notify customers about the status of their insurance and other important updates via push notifications. 

Home page interface of the app
Managing policies through apps like Versi

Image Source: Versi insurance mobile app

6. Integrate with third-party services 

Insurance apps need to be integrated with third-party financial or lifestyle services to improve the entire user experience of the app. This includes payment gateways like Gpay to enable policyholders to make payments conveniently without switching to multiple apps. Similarly, companies can consider collaborating with other services like health apps to allow users to track their health in terms of health policies. 

7. Provide 24/7 customers service 

Insurance apps will have customers relying on solving their queries all the time, be it during the onboarding or filing claims process. Incorporating AI-powered chatbots can resolve such queries at any time of the day and at lightning speed. However, not all queries can be solved with a chatbot, so companies should provide an alternative that allows customers to talk with customer service representatives in real time. Offering both these options is needed as customers will reach out during emergencies like accidents and would need the support of a human representative. 


To conclude, designing an insurance app involves simplifying many complex processes which will require a considerable amount of time and professional help and expertise. If you are looking to build an insurance app or revamp your existing one, you can reach out to us. Our team of designers has years of experience creating seamless digital insurance apps. 

Want proof of our work? Look no further!  Check out our case studies


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A solution-driven person with a keen interest in solving problems in digital products through designing. I have worked with 15+ clients in successfully delivering digital products such as Saint-Gobain, HDFC, elgi Ultra, LuLu Group, IIFL, Stockal etc.. worked in 10+ digital products across domains such as Network security, Fin-tech, E-commerce, Healthcare, Recruitment, Real estate etc.. Research, Ideation, Wireframing, Designing, Prototyping, testing and delivery are my bread and butter.

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How to create a seamless new customer experience as an insurance company?

Enhance new customer experience in insurance by leveraging digital platforms, personalized interactions, and streamlined onboarding processes.

How can insurance apps improve the overall experience for policyholders?

Insurance apps can improve policyholders' overall experience by offering easy policy management, claims filing, personalized recommendations, and real-time support.

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Yes, insurance apps are designed to prioritize security and ensure the protection of sensitive policyholder information.

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Yes, policyholders can make payments and manage their policies conveniently through insurance apps.

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Insurance apps streamline policyholder access to crucial policy documents for easy retrieval and reference, enhancing convenience and reducing paperwork.