Webflow vs. Craft CMS
May 24, 2024
6 mins read
webflow vs craft cms

Webflow vs. Craft CMS? Which is a Better Option For You

A content management system (CMS) is essential for every business. Content is king; we know this, and with the app content management system, it becomes easier to update the relevant data and information to make it more engaging. All this eventually impacts the website's influence on the consumers.

Good content can enhance the user engagement rate, thereby influencing conversion. Hence, choosing the best content management system for your website is integral. With a wide array of options, including powerful platforms like Webflow and Craft CMS, the choice can be difficult.


In this blog post, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of both Craft CMS and Webflow to help you determine which is best for your website. Let’s dive in and see which CMS will give you the best result



Addressing the Key Question

Webflow is a comprehensive platform that offers website design and content management solutions. In comparison, Craft CMS is an open-source content management system built with flexibility as the center point. So, which is the best option? Let’s answer this for you.



Webflow vs Craft CMS

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Webflow is a powerful website creation platform that comes with features like a content management system and search engine optimization. Moreover, this platform also enables you to create responsive websites, making them mobile-friendly. Its lack of coding features makes Webflow a unique platform. Besides, the platform also has a host of pre-designed templates that make the task of the designer easy.

Key Features of Webflow

Visual Design

It is a robust visual editor that allows the user to design the layout, add content, and style it with simple drag-and-drop functionality. It eliminates the need to get into the intricacies of coding for website creation. This saves time and is helpful for business owners who want to develop a professional website but don’t have coding expertise.


A responsive website is a must for any company. With Webflow, you can easily create a website with optimal display across different platforms like desktop, mobile, and tablet. You can make adjustments to the different screen sizes to create a seamless user experience.

Content Management System (CMS)

Eventually, content will play a key role in engaging the user and enhancing the conversion rate. With Webflow, you get a built-in CMS that allows you to manage the website content efficiently. You can create content, define custom fields, and structure your content organization.

Custom Code

While primarily visual, Webflow offers the flexibility to inject custom code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) for advanced customizations or integrating specific functionalities. This caters to users with coding experience who want to extend Webflow's capabilities.


Easily create online stores and manage products, inventory, and payments with Webflow. This allows businesses to establish online storefronts without needing separate platforms.

Interactions and Animations

Webflow lets you add interactive elements and animations to your website, creating a more engaging user experience. You can design custom animations, triggers, and interactions to bring your website to life.

Hosting and Security

Webflow offers website hosting plans, eliminating the need for separate hosting providers. They also prioritize website security with features like SSL certificates and regular backups.


Craft CMS

Webflow vs Craft CMS

Source: Image

Craft CMS is a popular content management system that empowers the user to create and manage content-driven websites and applications. Craft CMS is more inclined towards content structure and backend functionality, that’s making it a great choice for websites that are more focused on high-volume content. Here's a closer look at Craft CMS and its key features:

Key Features of Craft CMS

Flexible Content Modeling

Define the structure of your content to suit the website requirement. You can create different types of content like blog posts, products, and events and define specific fields for each type with Craft CMS.

Powerful Templating Engine

Craft CMS has a powerful templating engine, Twig, which is useful for building layouts and defining how content displays on your website. Gives the developer complete control over the presentation layer and allows them to customize the website experience.

User Management and Permissions

Create user accounts and assign different permission levels. This ensures control over who can access and modify content, making it suitable for collaborative projects.

Version Control

Keep track of all the changes made to the content. This allows you to revert to the previous version if the need arises. It is a great feature for maintaining integrity and ensuring smooth workflow.

Open-Source Platform

Craft CMS is an open-source platform that offers greater flexibility and control than closed-source solutions. Developers can access and modify the core codebase to tailor it to specific project needs.


Unfolding the Difference Between Webflow and Craft CMS


A Closer Look at The Building Interfaces

Let’s take the first aspect when you log on to the platform; Craft CMS offers a menu-based system present on the left side of the screen. It is intuitive and enables you to create new sections and content easily.  To make content management easier, CraftCMS also offers ease of customization that enables you to create content and update the data as per the requirement. Craft CMS also comes with a built-in Twig engine for advanced content rendering and developer control.


Coming to Webflow, its CMS function is easy to use. Once the user has added new elements like a contact form or menu to the website, you get a host of options to create a unique visual appeal. The user can easily update the content as required to make it more relevant for the end user.


While Craft CMS focuses more on customization and gives leverage to developers looking for more control over the coding part, Webflow is apt for both seasoned developers and neophytes since this platform does not require coding expertise.


Craft CMS : It offers more power and control for developers.

Webflow: It is easier to use for non-technical users who want a quicker design process.

Both platforms are constantly updated and provide robust systems.


Site Management

Running a website on site management becomes crucial. Hence, when comparing Craft CMS and Webflow in this aspect, we see that both systems offer a host of tools to manage the content and navigate through a website information structure.


When it comes to managing the content, Craft CMS has area features for editing, creating, and deleting the content. This gives the user better control over modifying the content and presenting it in a way that the end user would like. Also, it enhances the ability to manage larger websites.


Alternatively, Webflow offers basic editing; however, when it comes to complex functionalities like e-commerce websites, Webflow may not prove to be effective.

On the navigation aspect, Craft CMS provides customizable menus and tag lists, whereas Webflow depends on the navigational paths created by users. At the same time, Webflow also offers better customization options for designing the navigational path.


Craft CMS: Ideal for powerful content management.

Webflow: Ideal for design-focused website creation.

Crafting Content in Craft CMS and Webflow


When it comes to creating content, both Craft CMS and Webflow have their own pros and cons. With the help of Craft CMS, you can easily make changes in the templating code. Hence, it simplifies customization. Also, Craft CMS works on Twig templating language, which makes markup clean.


Webflow gives an edge over here. It enables the user to create content quickly. Since Webflow doesn’t require any coding expertise, one can simply create the pages by dragging and dropping the elements into the app position. This enables the user to easily make the changes. Moreover, it also allows customization of both the page design and content structure via a visual builder interface.


Craft CMS: Ideal for users with coding knowledge who prioritize granular control and data structure flexibility.

Webflow: Ideal for users who prioritize speed and ease of use with a visual interface, even at the expense of some customization options.

Craft CMS vs Webflow: Which is Easier to Use?

One of the key aspects while selecting any platform is its ease of usage. While Craft CMS and Webflow have different approaches, they have their own set of pros and cons for the end user. Craft CMS requires coding knowledge to start with the customization process.


On the other hand, the Webflow has an advantage. It does not require any coding expertise. With its drag-and-drop functionality and intuitive interface, it becomes easier for the user to create and update the content. Moreover, the code generated by the Webflow is clean; hence, it also helps in improving the ranking.

Tabular representation comparing the key features of Webflow CMS and Craft CMS

Webflow vs Craft CMS


Final Verdict: Webflow or Craft CMS

Choosing between Webflow and Craft CMS depends on your website goals and technical expertise. At the same time, Webflow emerges as a winner for users who are looking for a user-friendly and intuitive platform that requires no coding expertise.

It offers in-built CMS and e-commerce features, which makes this platform useful for start-ups, established entrepreneurs, and other business owners. Even with no coding expertise, the user can start creating a professional website with Webflow.

On the other hand, Craft CMS offers a different approach that empowers the user with a powerful content management system. It offers you flexibility and enables you to customize the content type with its quick templating engine.

It provides granular level control over website presentation. The user also has control over the code, thereby enabling the management of the website with the latest amount of content. However, Craft CMS has a steeper learning curve due to its reliance on some coding knowledge for advanced features.

Hence, when it comes to taking the final call, the users need to define their priorities. If they are looking for a user-friendly visual interface with high aesthetics and powerful content management, Webflow is an apt choice. Its no-coding functionality gives it an edge over other platforms -take advantage of them to experiment and discover the platform that best suits your website building needs.

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